May 2024

May Index Art by Jason White

Alien Zombies Strolling Thru A Human Cemetery Art by Jason White Published as the Index of Issue 125, May 2024 Jason White is an artist living in the suburbs of Chicago. His favorite mediums are oil on canvas and pencil & ink drawings. When he was a kid he cried on the Bozo Show. His

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Book Club: May 2024 by Hana Zittel

Book Club By Hana Zittel Published Issue 125, May 2024 Through the Night Like a Snake: Latin American Horror Stories (2024) Two Lines Press, of the Center for the Art of Translation, continually seeks out spectacular literary voices, publishing works of translation and exposing English language readers to authors from around the world. In 2020,

Book Club: May 2024 by Hana Zittel Read More »

Quiet Please by Graham Franciose

Quiet Please By Graham Franciose Index of Issue 125, May 2024 Quiet Please is a watercolor and gouache painting on tan Rives BFK cotton rag. Graham Franciose grew up in the forests of Massachusetts. His work reaches back to those times of exploration and imagination, where anything was possible. His whimsical, sometimes emotional, illustrations show

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