By Zac Dunn
Art by Guillermo Ruiz
Published Issue 097, January 2022
Hauling round the shit
You never see the light
Around you …
Talking most of it
But you’re
Begging for a scrap of pork
Dripping with the nasty grease
Rolls down
Your chin again
Oh God oh wow
Oh wow I’m so hungry
Stomach needs disgust some flesh
Oh God oh wow
Oh wow
Should we eat Otis?
All the pig is gone away
Ain’t nothing but an empty plate
We’ll be set when we get some chow
How we gonna get it?
Gonna have to go on
out and get it
Otis that was his name
Otis was my friend
He would eat anything I gave to him
He never did no one wrong
Never had a clue what was going on
When I whacked his head off
I cried a bitter bitter tear
And tried not to think about him
When I BBQ’d his chops
Made a soufflé
And a stew
I fed all a my friends
Now I’m here
All alone now
Otis is in the dirt
Pushing up daisy
My friend is in my belly
Hurts so bad
Zac Dunn is a psycho-social mechanic, father, musician and dreamer. Check out his music and follow him on Twitter and Instagram.
Guillermo Ruiz is a Denver based Illustrator and 3D artist who worked on the installation team for the Denver Meow Wolf exhibit and is now part of the exhibition maintenance team there
Check out Zac’s last Birdy piece, Man or Machine, and Guillermo’s Hobbes, or head to our Explore section to see more work by these artists.